Hey users, Embedium is back to code green. Embedium has some new sigma features. -Forum Dark Mode -Offline play (supported games only) -Fixed Login Page -Galatik X Account Linking -Xbox Account Linking -Nvidia Account Linking -Nexera A.I. -Notepad 2.0 -Lax 2.0 -Tutorials 2.1 -Embedium Vault -Nexwork Music and Games -Android + Aptoide (BETA) -RMS News 2.0 -----How to Use -Android + Aptoide (BETA) Go to "https://now.gg" IN THE EMBEDIUM BROWSER and hit "claim secret phone" to try it out --- All these features have been rolled out automatically to anyone using Embedium Update #NEX-2 We hope you enjoy!, Lorem Group Team.