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Showing posts from December, 2024


 Lorem Group is looking for news reporters to help us write news stories about the happening of Russell Middle School. If you are interested in this position please reach out to Lorem Group U.S. at " ". Make sure to not contact the email using a school email address. for legal concerns reach out to our lawyers at " ". Thanks for your patronage, Lorem Group EN

New Features

Hey users,  Embedium is back to code green.  Embedium has some new sigma features. -Forum Dark Mode -Offline play (supported games only) -Fixed Login Page -Galatik X Account Linking -Xbox Account Linking -Nvidia Account Linking -Nexera A.I. -Notepad 2.0 -Lax 2.0 -Tutorials 2.1 -Embedium Vault -Nexwork Music and Games -Android + Aptoide (BETA) -RMS News 2.0 -----How to Use -Android + Aptoide (BETA) Go to "" IN THE EMBEDIUM BROWSER and hit "claim secret phone" to try it out --- All these features have been rolled out automatically to anyone using Embedium Update #NEX-2 We hope you enjoy!, Lorem Group Team.