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The Dumpster

The Dumpster

By: Embedium 

It is late at night. I am walking alone in an alley thinking it would lead to the other side of the street. The year is 2022. It is a rainy night. There are people with hoods and raincoats walking through the streets and alleys. There are only a few cars on the road. Now, as I walk along, I hear some steps behind me, it is following me. I realize that it's not a person following me. Suddenly I hear a growl. I start walking faster, the steps start walking faster too. I’m frightened by the fact I don’t know what's following me. My chest starts to grow heavy as I breathe faster. I finally caught a glimpse of what was following me. I was surprised to see that it was a little puppy. The puppy had big eyes, soft fur, and small yellow teeth. I feel relieved to see that it was just a puppy growling at me. But then I realized that the puppy was still chasing me. I didn’t want this dog to attack so I knew I had to escape it. In the alley there are not many ways to escape. The ground is dirt, The walls are thick, and the alley is already narrow. I see a dumpster. As I run towards the dumpster my legs feel like spaghetti noodles. The dumpster is my only option as the alley is a dead end. I hop into the large green dumpster. I hate the smell of trash, but this is my only option, as the dog that was chasing me was my dog that I abandoned. I couldn’t be guilted. As I closed the dumpster door, I knew that I would be in that dumpster forever as the dumpster could only be opened from the outside, the dog would stay near the dumpster, and the dumpster belonged to an abandoned building which hasn’t emptied their dumpster in decades. My name is Azreal.


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