Embedium Independent Student News
"The uncensored eagle"
Issue #1 11/11/2024
The Story: Student Suspended
Embedium is in a Code: YELLOW. This is because one of our developers who creates and updates our Securely Disabler was suspended today. Dr. Snow came into first period took Azreal (our developer) to the office and suspended him. Latter during passing period from 2nd period to 3rd period are informant saw him collecting his bags and going back to the office. This comes after a student was suspended for making threats against Russelle Middle School. (Omaha) The question now is will other services like Industry Unblocker shut down? The owner of Embedium has stated that they will not but services like Industry unblocker haven't commented on the issue.
The implications: Embedium in a code yellow.
What does a code yellow mean?
-Link sharing has stopped
-All users and developers are to remain hush
-Lay LOW!
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